Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our FAQs below for answers to the most common questions that we get about The Push-Up Challenge.
If you still can't find what you're looking for then contact us, and we'll do our best to help.
If you have questions around mental health support, you can find more FAQs and support services on our Mental Health Support page.
Getting Involved
When is The Push-Up Challenge happening?
Now! The Push-Up Challenge 2025 started on February 11 and ends on February 28, but there’s still time to get involved. Click here to register.
How do I get involved?
Click here to register for free. Once you register, you can start fundraising, spread the word and invite others to join you as part of a Team or Community.
How much does it cost to take part?
$0. It's free to participate.
What is the target?
Remember, you have the option to aim for a smaller portion of the target (like 25%, 50% or 75%) and you can always swap in some alternatives like sit-ups and squats.
The Push-Ups
How do I bank (aka log) push-ups?
The main way to bank your push-ups each day is on our app. You can also bank them on our website here (once you’ve registered and logged in).
You can bank push-ups for the current or previous days, but you can't bank push-ups for future days. This is to encourage everyone to complete their daily push-up targets together.
Does it have to be push-ups?
Not at all. We encourage you to try alternative exercises if you need a break from push-ups. You can substitute push-ups with sit-ups, squats or another tailored exercise that works for you.
You may also like to try different types of push-ups throughout the challenge. Standard, on your knees, wall push-ups or even one-handed push-ups are all welcome.
How fit do I need to be to take part?
Being able to complete 10 push-ups in 1 set (without stopping) is a good place to start. If you struggle to complete that, we recommend a little bit of pre-Challenge training. Don't forget, you can always do alternatives like sit-ups, squats, or tailored exercises.
To break it up, there are two rest days (every Sunday) within the 18-day Challenge to give you a chance to rest those muscles for the coming week.
Can I bank more than the day's push-up target?
No. The maximum amount that you can bank each day is the daily push-up target.
We have this daily target/ limit each day to keep the Challenge as inclusive as possible. At its heart, The Push-Up Challenge is about improving mental health, encouraging daily physical activity and connecting with others in the push for better mental health – and we want these great things to be as accessible to as many people as possible. We know there are people out there that would gladly do 500 push-ups a day, but we don’t want competitiveness to deter everyday people from getting involved, too.
But - just because you can't bank more than the daily target, doesn't mean you can't do more if you want to! You can always keep a separate tally of your additional push-ups, or challenge yourself with clap push-ups or one-handed push-ups.
What if I don't complete my daily push-up target?
Is this event accessible for different abilities?
We encourage mixing up the exercises to suit your ability. This could mean wall push-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips, and other tailored exercises.
You are also welcome to aim for a smaller target, like 25%, 50% or 75% of the full target. The app lets you know when you reach these milestones each day.
If you have any concerns, it is best to check in with a health professional before taking part.
I have injured myself, what should I do?
Do I have to fundraise?
You have the option to raise funds for your local CMHA branch to improve mental health outcomes in your local community, or raise funds for CMHA National to improve mental health outcomes across the country.
How are the fundraising dollars spent?
Funds raised through The Push-Up Challenge support the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). You can choose for the funds you raise to go to CMHA National or one of the 80+ CMHA branches across Canada.
CMHA delivers community programs, services, and resources to help people living with mental illness, as well as preventing mental ill-health and promoting positive mental health and resilience.
CMHA identifies and responds to Canada’s most pressing mental health priorities on both a national and grassroots level. At a national level, they push for nationwide systemic and social change.
At a community level, millions of people in Canada rely on CMHA for mental health programs and services. Visit the CMHA website to find out more.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, all donations made to any of The Push-Up Challenge donation pages are tax deductible, in-line with Canada's income tax laws.
Are my online donations secure?
Absolutely. Information exchanged with any website address beginning with https is encrypted before transmission.
I can’t find my receipt in my emails. Where else can I find it?
If you've donated to one of our participants, you can access your receipt by clicking 'Login' at the top of our homepage, and then entering your email address on the right-hand side under Donor Login on the next screen.
Can I make a business donation?
You sure can. Just select that option when making a donation.
Can I donate to a team or the cause in general?
Yes, you can donate to an individual, Team, Community, branch or the cause in general when registrations open.
Can I donate to another cause instead?
What is CMHA's Charitable Registration Number?
Teams and Communities
How do I create a Team?
If you've already registered, go to your dashboard and select 'Create Team'.
If you haven't registered yet, click on 'Register' and then 'Create Team or Community' and follow the prompts from there.
How do I join a Team?
If you are already registered, go to your dashboard and select 'Join Team'. Find the team you are after and go from there.
If you haven't registered yet, click on 'Register' and select 'Join Team' from there.
Can I be a member of two Teams?
You can only be part of one Team, so choose wisely.
Can I change Teams once I’ve joined a Team?
Changing teams is easily done. Just login on the website and search for your new Team's name using 'Find a Champ’ or visit the Team's page directly if you have the link. You can then click 'Join Us' on that page and confirm that you want to switch Teams.
Is the daily/overall target individual or shared with the Team?
The app will let you know when you hit 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the daily targets, so you can stay on track.
How do I create a Community?
Communities are collections of Teams. To be in a Community, you need to be in a Team first.
Not in a Team? That's okay, you can create a Team of one person (you) if you like.
If you have already registered:
To create a Community go to your dashboard and select 'Create Community'. Again, if you are yet to create a Team, do that first.
If you have not already registered:
Click on 'Register' and then select 'Create Team/Community' and follow the prompts from there.
How do I join a Community?
To be in a Community, you need to be in a Team.
Communities are collections of Teams. You can create a Team of 1 person if you want to join a community but don't have a team.
If you have already registered:
To join a Community, you need to be a Team Captain. If you are a Team Captain, go to your dashboard and select 'Join Community'.
If you have not already registered:
Click on 'Register' and then select 'Create Team/Community' to create a Team, and follow the prompts from there to join a Community.
What is the advantage of a Community over a Team?
Communities allow for a collection of Teams under the same umbrella. You may want to create a Community if you:
- Are in a workplace or school which is expecting to have more than 10 people taking part.
- Want some friendly rivalry between different groups of people.
We find that Teams of up to 10 people have the best cohesion and support.
The App
Click here to find out everything you need to know about the app, including FAQs.
Dollar Match Day
Click here to find out everything you need to know about Dollar Match Day, including FAQs.