Perimeter Development Corporation





About Our Challenge

In February, our Community is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 11-28, 2025 to #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Canada.

You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our Community.

All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.

Supporting CMHA Ontario - Waterloo Wellington

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.Présente dans plus de 330 communautés dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l'ACSM offre des services de défense, des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale et les maladies mentales, à favoriser le rétablissement et la résilience, et à permettre à tous les Canadiens de s'épanouir et de prospérer.

State Of The Push-Ups

Province Participants

Team Stats

Team name Number of Legends Push-Ups Funds Raised
By person Overall By person Overall


To join a Team within this Community, simply find the Team below, go to their page and click on JOIN US.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Perimeter Development Corporation


David Gibson




Phil Paek


Katie Lefler


Laura Dang


Amelia Garcia


Janet Smith


Laura Smith

Good luck Kerri!! Such a great cause.


Paul Ditner


Michael Paek




Andrew and Sarah

This should be easy for you Pipes!



You can do eeeet!


Rena (Xue Lian) Liu


Jen C.


Evelyn Maloney

Go Kerri Go♥️





Good Luck Kerri. You got this


Emmalee Longbottom

Let's go, Pipes!! :)


Kimberley Smith

You are going to be jacked!


Kristin Cuthill

GO pipes!!!


Jason Hussak

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Teams supporting

Champs Supporting 14

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