Push Through Partners!





About Our Challenge

In February, The Indigenous Business and Relations Team is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 11-28, 2025 to push for better mental health outcomes in Canada.

Suicide rates have consistently been shown to be higher among First Nations people, Métis and Inuit in Canada than the rate among non-Indigenous people

Suicide is a leading cause of death for youth in Canada. For Indigenous communities, high rates of suicide are linked to a variety of factors including the consequences of colonialism, discrimination, community disruption and the loss of culture and language. Addressing the disparities in the social determinants of health and promoting a sense of hope, purpose, meaning and belonging are key ways of promoting life and preventing suicide for Indigenous peoples.

You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our team.

All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.

Supporting CMHA National

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.

Présente dans plus de 330 collectivités réparties dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l’ACSM œuvre en défense des droits et offre des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes et les troubles de santé mentale ainsi qu’à soutenir le rétablissement et la résilience afin de permettre à toute la population de s’épanouir pleinement.

This team is currently ranked > 65 out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
62 Lemon Soul Sweat $5053.00
63 Nate Sinclair's Hockey Friends $5001.88
64 Burlington Dads and Friends $4994.37
65 Push Through Partners! $4877.15
66 Station 66 $4867.53
67 Pushing Together For Health $4862.76
68 JC Drummondville $4826.88

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(14 members)
Team Captain: Theresa Frankel

Thanks to Our Sponsors


The Frankel/Hardy Family

My family does this, so another person does not have to feel like they don't have the resources to ask for help. Always thinking of you dad, William Hardy February 17, 1945 - February 17, 2013


Wanda Lewis

You got this!


Randy Danais






Matt General


Darcy Aubin

Atta girl


Sander Duncanson


Matthew Ducharme


Jennifer Bradley Reid


David Farmer


Tanya Aubin





Great initiative! You got this!


Sarah Fulton


Laura Nuttall


Richard Louie


Jeffrey Green

Have fun!


Clifford and Christine

Great Job!!!


Christina Zozula

Crush it!


Carlo Poletto






David Kitchen



Goooo Erin!!


Ellen Hughes

Best of luck !


Lea Clarke


Dave Brescia




James Power


Karen graham

Good Luck Erin!


Rae Frankel


Carol Poon


Jen Mills


Sarah Ford

Go Laura!


Roselyn Chou


Stephanie Lang


Laila Adam


Heather Bishop


Christine Brown


Jocelyn Reeves








Go Rae Go!!!


Shannon Lambert


Myriam Lecousy






Stéphanie Lalut

Go Rachel!!


Zoe Rezac


Rachel Thorne


Paul Anderson


Colin Buchanan

Way to go


Susan Duxbury

In memory of Theresa’s father


Colin Buchanan

You got this


Colin Buchanan

Way to go


Colin Buchanan

Good for you


Ray Morgan


Colin Buchanan

You got this


Talina Cyr-Steenkamp

Good luck!




Camille Vezina


Justin McKeown

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Part of Community Team Stantec: Stronger Together