McInnes Cooper (Firm-Wide)





About Our Challenge

In February, our Community is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 11-28, 2025 to #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Canada.

You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our Community.

All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.

Supporting CMHA National

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.

Présente dans plus de 330 collectivités réparties dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l’ACSM œuvre en défense des droits et offre des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes et les troubles de santé mentale ainsi qu’à soutenir le rétablissement et la résilience afin de permettre à toute la population de s’épanouir pleinement.

State Of The Push-Ups

Province Participants

Team Stats

Team name Number of Legends Push-Ups Funds Raised
By person Overall By person Overall


To join a Team within this Community, simply find the Team below, go to their page and click on JOIN US.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Drew Barbour


McInnes Cooper


Jack Graham


Charlottetown CSR Committee


Catherine Watson Coles

Go Angela!! Thank you for fundraising for such an important cause!


McInnes Cooper


Ryan Baxter


Julie Robinson


Jen Gray

Go Angela!


Gavin Giles, K.C.


Jillian Kean


Kevin Kiley


Kevin Kiley


Kevin Kiley


Kevin Kiley


Kevin Kiley


Marjorie Hickey

You couldn't have picked a more difficult way to raise funds! Way to go Angela!


Dwight Rudderham


Gary Scales


Doug Skinner


Gavin Giles, KC

Only 2,000? I thought you’re be good for 4,000. All kidding aside, good for you for taking on this one for mental health. Denise and I salute you.


Mike Melvin


Len Hoyt


Julie MacKinnon


McInnes Cooper


McInnes Cooper


McInnes Cooper


McInnes Cooper


John V O'Dea


Geoffrey Spencer

Go MC!!


Geoffrey Spencer






McInnes Cooper


Michael Lavigne


Tanya Tynski


Chris Pelkey


Calvin and Rachel Pelkey


Anna Wadden



Good luck!


Donna MacEwen

Good luck Angela!



Good luck, Chris! Great initiative.


Olivia Blanchard


Joan Kingston


Tracy Dillman


Heather Chafe

Congratulations Morgan! You got this❤️❤️


Kim McCurdy


Jacqueline Hartigan


Peter G MacKay


Eric & Lisa Blanchard


Geri Green


Debbie Edgar

Good luck dear I hope you raise lots and lots for this. Love you


Clarence Hewitt


Dan Simmons


Chris Pelkey


Lily Meunier-Cote


Darcy Meyer


Nancy Ripley


David Eaton


Sheri Wicks


Karen Pike


Bill Pike


Barbara Mitchell


McInnes Cooper




McInnes Cooper donors


McInnes Cooper donors


McInnes Cooper donors


McInnes Cooper donors




Kate McGarry


Gary Scales

Go Anni-Yah!


Kathy Slaunwhite

A worthy cause for sure.


Dylan Perkins


Lilla Rossiter


Matthew Orrell


Donna MacEwen

Good Luck Anni-Yah!


Barbara Poirier

Way to Go!!


Stephanie Cormier



Thank you! Your donation has been matched by Stantec


Tom Keeler


Facebook Donation


Scelonia Rutherford

You got this Tasha!! Thank you for supporting mental health


Natasha Slaunwhite


Facebook Donation


Facebook Donation


Jody King


Catherine Hutchens

Way to go!


Karen Fraser

Proud of you girl!


Lynn Hubley


Melissa Bruce


Wendy Toy

Well done Sally! Thanks for your commitment!


Laura Killam

Way to go Sally and Team!!


Karen Milligan


Muriel MacLeod

Thank you! You are a rock star!


Linda Myers


Marla Gidney


Mark B


Chris Pelkey


Geoff Spencer




Suzanne Miller


Amanda Nash

Yaaaaaaaaaas Morgan!!


Jennifer Reid

Go Morgan and Team MC!




Aletha MacDonald


Melissa Coffin


Lenny Murphy


Maxine Doran


Stephanie Holmes


Nicole Handrigan


Claire Dowden


Lindsay McKinnon


Sherry Hancock


Marcelenna MacDonald

You are awesome!






Renée Boyd


Facebook Donation


Kristen Head

You are such an inspiration! Good luck!




Sharon Barrett



Jennifer Reid


Tara Birmingham

Show more

Teams supporting

Champs Supporting 13

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