For The Unheard Voices





About Our Challenge

In February, our Team is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 1-23, 2024 to raise awareness of mental illness in Canada.

You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our team.

All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.

Supporting CMHA Ontario - Waterloo Wellington

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.Présente dans plus de 330 communautés dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l'ACSM offre des services de défense, des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale et les maladies mentales, à favoriser le rétablissement et la résilience, et à permettre à tous les Canadiens de s'épanouir et de prospérer.

This team is currently ranked > 540 out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
537 Sea to Sky Welding $905.00
538 ESFCR-CRFHT $905.00
539 No pain no gain $905.00
540 For The Unheard Voices $900.18
541 Face the floor $900.00
542 Push-Up Delivery Group $900.00
543 Team 88 $900.00

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(2 members)
Team Captain: Kassi Di Venanzo

Thanks to Our Sponsors


Denise Hughes



I love you🤟🏻💪🏻 your incredible


Samantha Smart

You got this !!! You’re incredible. From your coach :)


Sandra Wilkie

Well done Kassy


Ryleigh and Zach


Mark and Gayle

Great job Kassi!


Nancy Flewelling



You are amazing!





So proud of you and what you’re doing to support mental health! You’re amazing!


Linda Prior

Good Luck


Joanne and Peter Hughes

Good luck, you’ve got this!


Sam ;)

You got this Kass!


Jess Turner

Rooting for you Kass & Michael!!


Marcey Gray

You've got this, Kass!! 🙂❤️


Sir Georgie Monks

Woof! 🐶


Kelly and Steve Di Venanzo


Linda Prior



To a million dollar day! We are so proud of all your hard work and dedication through this challenge!


Mikayla Goving

You're so awesome 😎



Go Kass! I'm rooting for you!


Jennifer Roe

Go girl


Steve Guy

Way to go girl ya


Amanda Worsell

You're awesome!



Keep up the fight! Proud of you and the work you are doing for not only yourselves but for others.



Thank you!


Claire Lasko


Peter Lasko


Claire Lasko




David Low

Good luck Michael!


Stephanie Silva

I'm sorry I could not donate more. I'm not working right now so I apologize. Keep up the good work Kassi... Woot woot!!

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