Daena Sidney, 48, from Canmore, Alberta, participated in The Push-Up Challenge in 2024. Daena’s daughter lives with anxiety and depression, and she is motivated to encourage conversations about mental health and push for more support for people in need.
Why did you decide to sign up to The Push-Up Challenge?
I thought it was a great fitness idea for a great cause. And my push-ups always need work!
Why do you think it’s so important that we push for better mental health in Canada right now?
I think the volume of people suffering with mental illness is staggering. Perhaps more than society realizes. And I think our youth has been hit the hardest since COVID. We need to talk more about mental health in all age groups and get help for people who need it.
What were some positive aspects of your experience participating in The Push-Up Challenge?
I quickly became a lot stronger! It was awesome. I enjoyed having the daily goal and motivation.
Have you experienced any mental health challenges in your own life?
My daughter has an anxiety and depression disorder. So this hits very close to home. Any time there is a challenge I can do to raise awareness and/or funds to help mental health, I try to participate.
My daughter was hospitalized several times. This caused me to miss a lot of work. There were emotional and financial impacts because of this. Also taking into consideration the days she had to stay home from school or leave early, I also had to adjust my schedule. Sometimes my own health care needs were sidelined because I needed to care for her.
If so, what things did you find most helpful in supporting you to manage your own mental health during this time?
Having the support of her medical team, her father, my husband and my friends.
Also, staying fit. Exercising is how I manage my own mental health, so I was grateful for this challenge. It helped to keep me focused and it was one thing I knew I could accomplish towards my own health while I was caring for my daughter in times of need.
Why do you believe it’s important that we fundraise to support CMHA’s work in the mental health space?
We don’t have enough funds to help all the people in need yet.
What would you say to someone who is considering doing The Push-Up Challenge in 2025?
Do it! Your mind, body and spirit will thank you. And it is important to give back.
If you could share a final message of your own around mental health with our community, what would that be?
Be mindful of how you treat others when you go out into the world. Most of the time, we can’t see if someone is struggling. Give all humans grace, compassion, and the space to be themselves. Give them opportunity to talk, if they choose to. Lend a helping hand and be the person who changes the day for someone who needs it. We all struggle. Unfortunately, some more than others. Be kind, be respectful. And ASK someone, ‘How can I help?’.