

About Our Challenge

In February, our Team is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 1-23, 2024 to raise awareness of mental illness in Canada.

You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our team.

All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.

Supporting CMHA Saskatchewan - Saskatoon

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.Présente dans plus de 330 communautés dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l'ACSM offre des services de défense, des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale et les maladies mentales, à favoriser le rétablissement et la résilience, et à permettre à tous les Canadiens de s'épanouir et de prospérer.

This team is currently ranked > 15 out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
12 Team Harmani $8839.00
13 Team Thompson $8723.00
14 Kickass for Kat $8433.00
15 SEVENSTAR Friends $8100.25
16 CMHA Toronto Board of Directors $7664.00
17 I-STEW Policy parkees $7614.00
18 Reva House Cats & Friends! $7335.00

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(13 members)
Team Captain: Jason Belhumeur

Thanks to Our Sponsors


Trevor Stein

Good luck buddy!


Jeff Wells

Go Scott Go…..


Rory Turo

It is inspiring to see the path you are travelling. From back when I knew you and we were drinking our faces off playing guitar late night in that Surrey apartment of yours. What a leader, what a triumph. Keep pushing hard on your path David!! You are helping many that you can see, and many who you cannot. Still have your art hanging on my walls brother. 1000 to go, you got this!!


Jason Orvold


Jane Alcorn




Bo Rosdahl


Buckwold Western


Joe Weinrich


Paul Neuls


Iron Workers Local 838

Keep pushing Telly. Your brothers and sisters from Iron Workers Local 838 are proud of you.


Anas El-Aneed


Dustin Boey


Michael smith

Keep doing. The good work. Happy to support.


Kandus Klyne


Jerome Falcon

LOVE you Chris!


Josh Walchuk



Go Ramrods Go!!


Barry Willick


Charity Evans


Carmen Bell


Richard Wilger




cory mcintyre


Indigenous innovations yvr


Lynn-Marie Angus


Logan Campbell


Allison Morrison


Sandy Knowles

Go Jason!!!


Terry Kendall

Mental health is so important and happy to donate



All the best brother!


John Milburn



Proud of you


Connie Cumming


TJ King

Good work buddy!



Donated from a friend


Barb & Trevor Cross


Jena Boyko


James Harry


Leslie De Decker


Aunty Bonnie


Marilyn Neuls

Good work for a good cause!!




jeff Taylor

Good luck, and for a good cause.


Courtney Charles


Bradyn Anderson


Marlys LeBras


Derek Jorgenson


Jamee Guimont


Jodie Uliski


Valentyn Zhukov

Mental health system is broke . I do have a ralative with mental health issue and I can see canadian system from this point .


Yvonne Shevchuk

Go Jason Go!!


Betty Millar

Great work Telly!


Amanda O’Brien


Jim Wilson


Monique Wahl

Keep up the good work.


Reyna Scott

Keep it up


Phyllis Cameron

Go Team!


Olaf Stockwell


Ray Belhumeur








Ray Belhumeur


Simranjit Grover











Dani Elkerton


Amanda Thomas


Nolan Cline




Clive Demerais


Seamus McFaul


Chris Kendall


Fabian LaClare


Jason Belhumeur


Ruebecca Belhumeur


Juston Magnusson

Pump it up!


Brent Yates


Philippe Chagnon

Go go go, good luck



Good luck!


Cory Bisson

Keep on keepin on


David Blackburn



nice bunnyhug, let's go saskie


Scott Hazen




Manda Thomas



gotch is a funny word


Emily Pfister

This is the best ever fundraiser!!! Mental Health is all about evolving physically, mentally and Spiritually! Bless you.

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