Team Florence





In Loving Memory of our father, Ira Florence

Our family recently lost our father to mental illness. This February, our family is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 1-23, 2024 to raise awareness of mental illness in Canada.

You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our team.

All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.

Supporting CMHA Ontario - Toronto

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.Présente dans plus de 330 communautés dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l'ACSM offre des services de défense, des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale et les maladies mentales, à favoriser le rétablissement et la résilience, et à permettre à tous les Canadiens de s'épanouir et de prospérer.

This team is currently ranked > 24 out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
21 BOA $6525.00
22 Red Chris Mine $6281.00
23 Ashley’s Angels $6195.00
24 Team Florence $6081.00
25 Anatolia $5818.20
26 Crossfit BRIO $5780.00
27 just so old $5760.00

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(2 members)
Team Captain: Joey Florence

Thanks to Our Sponsors


Tool Time Inc -Illana and Harel Rapaport


Steven & Virginia Amidjinov + Family

We are so sorry for you


Nicole Pollock & Jorie Brown


Elaine Hung


Frank and Tina D'Andrea


Sarah & Lauren Mandel

Sending our love <3


Ed and Denise Stivelman

To honour Ira and his beautiful kids.


David Pupco

Please accept our condolonces!


Paul Gilbert

To Joey and the whole Florence Family … this is a great way to remember Ira.


Kerri B


Heather Skoll

In support…


Ryan, Brenley, Brendan, Noah Shapiro Heisler

Our heartfelt condolences on your loss and our utmost support for this important initiative honouring your father! May his memory forever be a blessing 💕


Wendy Segal



Love that you’re doing this ♥️ He’d be so proud!


Bobby Freeman


Stacey and Jordan Silverberg

May Ira’s memory always be for a blessing. May your advocacy help many others suffering.


David Zelsman and Nicole Tomasov

Such a great way to honour your dad. We are so proud of you all. <3


Grant Szalai


Melissa & Joshua


Dan Mallins


Caroline A


Michele Korman


Jake Benaim


Karen Vernon

What a great way to remember your dad Love you all


Marla & Kenny Korman

Sending you all so much love and strength. This is such a great initiative to honour your dad’s memory. Four exemplary young adults.


Ofir Rabinoviz

What a beautiful way to honour him. May his memory be a blessing <3


Aly Silverberg & Benji Laks

Sending our love to the Florences. You all have so much strength! 💪


Westcoast Connection

The WCC family is sending our condolences to Marny, Shelbi and the entire Florence family.


Brittany and Family


Andrea Raisin

Thinking of you all during this difficult time. Your dad is looking down on you all with immense pride


Anysa & Max


Becca Buchman


Melody Sieger


Riana Clarke

My condolences to you and your family! Miss you all so much!


Jordana Zelsman

Thinking of you all ❤️


Lauren Pasternak


Hailey Appel & Jordan Kogut

Sending all our love and support


Tami & Robert Ehrlich

Joey and family, what an impactful way to remember your father.


Karen and Jonathan Starr

May your father’s memory be for a blessing. What a perfect way for you and your family to honour him as you help to raise awareness for mental health.


Natalie Taylor


Jessica Silverberg


Britt MacLean


Carine Gilbert


Sharon Hochberg

With much love! From Bubbi Sharon ♥️


Jennifer Haddock

So sorry for your family’s loss. Sending strength during this difficult time.


Josh Donsky


Andrew Diniz


Melanie Katz


Tori Vernon

You guys are amazing! Sending love.


Carly Shapiro


Hayley Greenberg

Sending lots of love & strength ❤️


Jordi Green & David Mapa


Jessie & Jacob Schulman

Thinking of you guys during this difficult time 💗


Alex Gold


Aaron Douek & Alexandra Boucher Zarnett


Jori Greenberg

Thinking of you. Sending love.




Appel Family

Sending love and strength to you all.


Max Lieberman


Maya Amestoy


Mariah Rackal



Shelbi Florence




Renée Chen


Frances Gilbert



Laura Polisuk




Alana Reich

Love you all so much









Amanda Langleben

Sending love <3






Tali Katz

To Joey and the Florences, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I am sure he would be honoured and proud of your efforts to help others in his memory. Sending much love.


Michal Aizikov

You’re one of a kind!! Supporting you all the way :)


Shany Raitsin


Shana May

Sending you all lots of love ❤️


jules sloan


Ally Wachtler-Ford



Joey Florence




Evelyn Inglis


Meghan Heron


Samantha Goodman

Thinking of all of you during this tremendously difficult time ❤️


Joel Weldman




Vic Duarte


Sadia Fazelyar


Sara Yassawi

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Part of Leaderboard Healthcare